
Find Results of the Quizzes on 23 Minutes

Updated: 27th Feb 2022

Quiz Instruction Icons

There are now dozens of neat online quiz makers and tools which help you create simply virtually whatsoever kind of online quiz. With then many options it's hard to know where to beginning. We've got you covered and so that if you're only looking to create a uncomplicated trivia quiz for friends or an online test for students y'all'll know where to start. Here is exactly how to make an online quiz:

  1. From the Quiz Maker homepage select your quiz type
  2. Hit 'Add Question' and select 'Multiple Pick'
  3. Now add your answers in the answer field boxes
  4. Tick 'correct answer' where advisable
  5. Echo the to a higher place for all of your questions

After doing the in a higher place you have made your first online quiz, in that location isn't annihilation more to exercise. Hit the Preview button to run into how your quiz will await and feel for your quiz takers. You can change how your quiz looks past hitting the themes tab and selecting a layout that suits. Go ahead and hitting share and brainstorm to invite people to accept your quiz.

What is the best quiz website?

In that location are both costless and paid versions of quiz platforms bachelor online. Many online survey tools have added scoring so you lot can at present create your online quiz with Google Forms, Survey Monkey, Typeform and other tools. These still are a little cumbersome to use if you're looking to create more than a basic quiz equally they're primarily created to make online forms. They all require subscriptions before y'all can publish your quiz as well. Other tools like Quizizz, Quizlet and of course our ain Quiz Maker are designed primarily for online quizzes and generally do a better job in this regard.

Quizlet Vs Quizziz Vs Quiz Maker

All of the above are excellent choices simply there are difference between these platforms that brand the decision to choose the best quiz website much easier. Quizlet is primarily a study tool for students and and then it actually does the all-time job if this is what you lot're looking for. Quizizz is designed to help teachers create basic online quizzes for students in lower grades and is an fantabulous tool for the this job. QuizMaker is designed to create both trivia and personality quizzes for both teachers and professionals. It's been around since 2003 and is all-time if you're looking to create multiple quizzes and desire a petty more easily on control. Take a moment to remember well-nigh what you need your quiz to practice. Is it just a personal study tool or are yous looking to engage potentially thousands of quiz takers. The all-time quiz tool depends on what information technology is you need your quiz to do.

How make a quiz for free

As mentioned above there are many tools available which allow you lot to create gratis online quizzes for personal use. If yous want to make a costless online quiz there will probable be ads and a few limits imposed on your quiz so it'southward important to sympathize these before yous publish your quiz. If you're simply looking to create a quiz to help you report for an exam y'all tin can use our Quiz maker for gratuitous or a tool like Quizlet. To get started here is how you make a complimentary quiz with our Quiz Maker

  1. Add your questions and select your quiz type on the homepage
  2. Select the correct answers
  3. Enter a title for your quiz
  4. Hit Share and enter an Email and Password

You lot tin add up to 25 response for free, afterwards your quiz will continue to work you just won't be able to see the additional results in the QuizMaker Dashboard.

How to create a quiz which assigns a personality / type

In the following steps we are effectively going to link questions to outcomes/types. If we're edifice a quiz which is going to recommend a holiday destination y'all might inquire 'What kind of activities do you bask' Your answers may include: Swimming, Climbing, Hiking, Driving and Dinning out. We would match a travel destination for each of these answers. These answers allow us to lucifer very different travel recommendations and create an engaging quiz. Once each of your answers is connected to an outcome/type our Quiz Maker will automatically assign the best match. If things are even so unclear the instructions below will provide more clarity.

Note: You tin can use only Multiple Choice and Checkbox questions to assign types

  1. Give your quiz a title and from the Quiz blazon drop downwards select 'Assign Types'
  2. Striking 'Add Question' and now select 'Multiple Choice'
  3. Repeat the to a higher place stride until you've added all of your questions
  4. Hit the 'Results' tab and then Add Blazon
  5. Enter a title for your type and a description
  6. Hitting the 'Assign answers and now click each answer which relates to this type. Hit 'Ok'
  7. Repeat the above step for each of your types

Your type can be a redirection to a custom URL. This would permit you to accept participants exist redirected to a custom page on your website which tin be useful to help guide people to correct destination, course or production.

How to add together certificates to your quiz results

You can assign a certificate based upon a score, grade, outcome or simply provide them to all who consummate your quiz. The document will be presented in results and also be available to participants for a PDF download.

  1. After you lot've added questions to your Quiz hit the 'Results' tab
  2. Tick the certificate option and hit the Configure button
  3. Set the conditions under which you'd like your document to appear
  4. Hitting Edit Certificate and the Certificate editor volition load
  5. From here you tin can tailor the text and background of the certificate

If you wish to use your own certificate background nosotros suggest an paradigm size of 3500px ten 2400px to ensure the highest quality possible.

Quiz Certificate Editor

How to add a leaderboard to your quiz

Y'all can show a ranked leaderboard at the end of your quiz to inspire a little healthly contest. To announced on the leaderboard you lot quiz takers volition need to enter a proper noun.

  1. If you lot haven't already washed then add together the 'Name' question. The name entered here will be used in the Leaderboard
  2. On the Results tab tick 'Show a Leaderboard'
  3. Your quiz will now show a ranked leaderboard

How to collect electronic mail addresses/leads with your quiz

Y'all tin can choose to require an email address to exist entered at the cease of your quiz in lodge to view results. This serves as a cracking way to begin an ongoing dialog for either marketing or instruction purposes.

  1. Add your quiz questions
  2. Hit the 'Leads' tab and Tick 'Pb Capture'
  3. You lot can now edit the questions asked in lead capture

If you cheque your results and don't run across lead capture entered information technology means participants closed the quiz at the signal in which we asked for an electronic mail address. If you're seeing likewise much dropout either consider increasing the incentive or allowing pb capture to be skipped.

How to change the look and feel of your Quiz

There are xl+ default themes to cull from and a custom theme editor. The editor can be used to change background images, colors and fonts to lucifer your branding. The results volition automatically exist styled to match your quiz theme.

  1. Add together your quiz questions
  2. Hit the Themes tab to choose a preconfigured theme
  3. Hit customize to add your own background, colors and fonts

If you lot're feeling more audacious and are familiar with CSS hit Settings, Plugins, View Add together Plugins. From here you can create your ain plugin to add your own custom CSS. If you're not experienced with front-end design information technology'south best to stick to the custom editor described above.

Transport out invites to your Quiz takers

At that place are a few ways to share your quiz online. Past default you lot quiz will run on our cloud and be optimized to run on mobiles, tablets and desktops. Y'all can choose to embed your quiz on your website. You tin can also command who gets to take your quiz with unique codes and passwords.

  1. Add your quiz questions
  2. Hit the Share tab
  3. Y'all can choose to share the link straight or re-create and paste embed code

Unique Codes - Require a single apply code to be entered when the quiz starts. The code may simply be used one time by one person. This is a nifty manner ensure your quiz is not taken multiple times by a single person.

The following video tutorial shows you lot how to make an online quiz using QuizMaker:

How practice I admission my quiz maker results?

The quiz maker dashboard allows you to access your quiz results and manage your existing quizzes.

  1. Log into the Quiz Maker Dashboard
  2. Hit the Results icon of your quiz
  3. You'll see a list of results options
Section Content
Charts Show graphs for all responses combined. See pie charts and bar graphs showing how your respondents answered.
Export Export raw individual results to a CSV or excel file for download. Includes score and outcomes where appropriate.
Individual Responses View a listing of each completed response to view individual participant answers. You tin can search for a particular response by answer data.
Map Responses Shows a geopgraphical map of where your respondents are based. This can exist turned off for privacy with plugins.
Timeline Shows when over time y'all received responses. This can be useful for analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Didactics Level Relates to the highest level of education that an individual has completed, including principal, secondary, third, and postgraduate studies.
Share You can cull to share a link to make your quiz results public


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